MoU to Drive Industry Skills Development

The Advanced Fibre Cluster Geelong (AFCG) and The Gordon TAFE have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaboratively enhance education and training opportunities.

Geelong-based The Gordon is Victoria’s largest regional stand-alone TAFE and for 130 years has helped people gain “real skills for real jobs”.

The new agreement will see the Cluster and The Gordon collaborate in developing student projects as well as voluntary work experience programs, contributing to future workforce development needs and talent attraction.

Tailored training programs offering “micro credentials” that build skill sets in identified areas of need will be developed. The initiative aims to raise awareness about advanced manufacturing opportunities in the Geelong region and to maximise funding opportunities, with plans for joint workforce development schemes.

Projects designed to provide collaborative opportunities will support the AFCG ‘s vision to grow the composites and advanced manufacturing industry. It will also support Cluster members to meet technology advances to sustain and accelerate growth.

The alliance supports The Gordon’s vision for learning, inspiring and transforming lives with an enriched student experience that promotes pathways to further study and employment, leading the skilling of industries and communities and enhancing community and social connections.

This year, the AFCG will host two member events at The Gordon.

On the morning of May 6, AFCG members will be treated to a close look at vocational education at The Gordon during a tour of the East Campus with Dr Yasmin Chalmers, Head of Centre Science and Technology and Wayne Ketchen, Head of Centre Design and Construction.

Members will be taken through program areas that align to some of the skill needs of the Advanced Composites industry, including engineering and electro technology.

On September 9, the second part of the tour will see Dr Chalmers and Industry and Pathways Coordinator Justin Potter explore 21st Century skills development at the Geelong Technical School.

To RSVP, please contact Jennifer Conley at

Apr 2021